On your iPhone/iPad, you can save web pages to DevonThink To Go and they will automatically sync to DevonThink for Mac.
- Open Safari on your iPhone/iPad
- Visit a webpage containing an article you wish to save (eg: the DevonThink Dropbox page of instructions!)
- Tap the Share button
- In the Share sheet, tap Clip to DEVONThink
- The clipping window shows:
- the Title
- the Database location where the clip will be saved
- a small screenshot of the page
- the web address (ie: URL) of the article being clipped
- the tag option (3 horizontal dots) and flag options (you may need to scroll the window to reveal this depending on the size of the phone’s screen)
- Tap the Database name to see a list of available Locations and choose one
- tap the Next Page arrow in the top-right corner of the window
- On this screen you can choose the format to which the webpage will be saved:
- Bookmark
- Web Archive
- Web Archive (clutter-free)
- Markdown
- Markdown (clutter-free)
- Tap Web Archive (clutter-free) to select it (a blue arrow will appear next to it)
- Tap Done (in the top right corner)
- The webpage will be saved to DevonThink To Go on your iPhone/iPad; during the next automatic sync it will be saved to the Sync Store on your Dropbox; from there it will sync with DevonThink on your Mac and other iPads/iPhones
- Note: If the Web Archive (clutter-free) format does not provide an accurate clipping of the webpage, then try Markdown (clutter-free) and/or Web Archive